The First Remote PSC Inspection in China
A few hours before the completion of discharging operations at port of Tianjin (China), the Master of m/v ARVIKA received a phone call from the local PSC officers with the request to arrange the remote PSC inspection due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The Master provided almost 200 photos of statutory certificates, various logbooks with mandatory entries as well as ship overall condition at various places and compartments.
Afterwards the Master was instructed to provide the following videos of:
• start of FFLB engine and operation of steering gear;
• start of the emergency diesel generator;
• start of the emergency fire pump;
• start of Rescue Boat engine and the operation of release hook;
• the dedicated crewmember in full fireman’s outfit with SCBA.
After one hour, the PSC inspection report without deficiencies was provided to the Master in electronic format.
The subject vessel remained her status as the Low Risk Ship in the Tokyo MoU.