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The First IHM Survey on SCM Fleet

11 Feb 2020

The EU Ship Recycling Regulation (EU SRR) will be applicable for vessels of 500 GT and above flying the flag of an EU/EEA member state, or third-party-flagged vessels calling at European ports commencing after 31 December 2020. The vessels will be required to carry an Inventory Hazardous Materials (IHM) on board which is certified.

During discharging operations on board of m/v ARCADIA at Bremen, Germany the first IHM Survey was performed by the hazmat expert in order to ensure the IHM Part I compliance.

The procedure involves taking samples and making visual checks on board based on the collected ship specific information.

Afterwards, the IHM Part I certificate / SoC (Statement of Compliance) will be issued after the initial survey and then be subject to periodic checks by the Flag States or ROs during the five-yearly renewal surveys and by port state controls during the PSC inspections.

In order to get timely prepared the Technical Department of Staff Centre Shipmanagement initiated advance process of surveys.